Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Analysis Of Shutter Island

Shutter island is a thriller written by Denis Lehane in 2003, and has now been adapted from the novel into a film, directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Teddy Marshall (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his partner Chuck Aule go to the Ashecliff Hospital for the criminally insane on Shutter Island. They are investigating the disappearance of Rachel Solando (Emily Mortimer), a patient who vanished from a locked room.
The poster automatically represents the thriller genre; the title, the scary looking island, and DiCaprio's facial expression.
The tag line 'Someone is missing' automatically brings mystery to the film, and therefore encourages the audience to want to find out more. The dull colours which surround the bright red title, make the title immediately emerge from the poster, red indicating danger, blood, anger, etc.
DiCaprio's facial expression seems concentrated on something else, as he looks very suspicious. His eyes stand out the most against the low saturated, grey colour of his face. This is a massive contrast against the blurry title. The flame comes directly from the film,it suggests darkness and eeriness, also the flame lights up DiCaprio's face contrasting another colour against the grey and black background.
The green/white glow around the island creates a feeling that something mystical is inside the island. The island which is surrounded by nothing but sea, in the middle of nowhere gives the poster a sinister feel. The rain effect in the front makes the island seem restless, indicating the film is suspenseful.

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